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Chronology of Key Events

1300 Although there was earlier settlement, the ancestors of the Māori begam more systematic settlement around this time

Abel Tasman visits New Zealand

1764 Birth of Patuone
1769 Captain Cook in the Bay of Islands, 27 November
1770 Birth of Nene
1772 Birth of Hongi
1793 Battle of Puketona (Ngāpuhi and Ngāti Maru)
1806 Battle of Waituna (Ngāpuhi and Ngāti Whātua/Te Roroa); Moehanga visits England
1807 Battle of Te Moremonui (Te Kai-a-te-Karoro) where Ngāti Whātua and Te Roroa inflicted a major defeat on Ngāpuhi
1808 Kidnapping by the brig Venus of Te Aupouri, Ngāpuhi and Ngāti Pāoa women leading to a major taua to Tai Rawhiti
1809 Attack on the Boyd at Whangaroa by Ngāti Uru and Ngāti Pou
1814 Mission established at Rangihoua in the Bay of Islands and first Christian sermon preached on Christmas Day by Rev. Samuel Marsden
1815 Taua lead by Te Haupa to the East Coast; death of Ruatara; first Europeam child born in New Zealand
1817 Taua from Ngāpuhi and Ngāti Pāoa to Tai Rawhiti; death of Tara
1818 Amiowhenua:Ngāpuhi and Ngāti Whatua to Tai Rawhiti, taua with Ngāti Toa
1819 Taua of Te Wera Hauraki and Pomare to the Bay of Plenty and Hawke’s Bay; Murupaenga and Ngāti Whātua attack Ngāpuhi and kill Korowhai at Pakiri
1820 Mauinaina, Mokoia and Te Tōtara battles between Ngāpuhi and Hauraki
1821 Hongi and Ngāpuhi attack Waikato
1822 Ngāpuhi attack Te Arawa at Mokoia; Ngāti Toa move from Kawhia to the Kapiti Coast area north of Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington)
1823 Ngāti Whātua and Ngāti Pāoa attack Te Parawhau at Whangarei
1825 Battle of Te-Ika-a-Ranganui near Kaiwaka where Ngāpuhi defeat Ngāti Whātua and Te Roroa with great slaughter; birth of Hohaia, only surviving son from Patuone’s twelve children; death of Tui
1826 Death of Pomare I at Te Rore; death of Murupaenga at Puhoi; Hongi attacks Ngāti Pou at Whangaroa and suffers the wound which would kill him two years later; Patuone's first trading mission to Sydney
1827 Ngāpuhi taua to Waikato repulsed
1828 Death of Hongi at Whangaroa; deaths of Muriwai and Te Whareumu at Waima; death of Te Wheke, first wife of Patuone; death of Patuone’s sons Toa and Mata and another daughter
1829 Death of Kūkupa
1830 Internecine war in the Bay of Islands, the Girls War; Ngāpuhi raid at Tauranga; seizure of the Sir George Murray in Sydney witrh Patyuone and Taonui on board
1831 Granting of a temporary license to the Sir George Murray
1832 Titore raids Ngāiterangi without success; Ngāpuhi taua under Pukerangi and Te Tirarau on Waikato retreats at Rangiriri and is later counter-attacked at Kawau resulting in the death of Pukerangi; Waikato attack Te Parawhau at Whangarei and Tutukaka. Patuone settles in the Auckland district. Ngāpuhi and Ngāti Paoa attack Ngāti Haua for the death of Takurua
1833 Titore taua with Te Rarawa and Te Aupouri against Ngāiterangi at Tauranga
1834 Flag registered for the United Tribes of New Zealand with royal approval from King William IV; birth of Hare Hori Hongi  
1835 Declaration of Independence of the United Tribes of New Zealand; Patuone moves to Auckland, living at pa located at Whakatiwai on the Firth of Thames, and at Putiki, Waiheke Island
1837 Death of Titore
1838 Bishop Pompallier founds the Roman Catholic Mission in New Zealand; Fr Servant at the Hokianga
1839 Baptism of Nene; death of Te Wera Hauraki
1840 Baptism of Patuone and Takarangi; signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi; French colony established at Akaroa, Banks Peninsula
1841 Captain William Hobson, Governor of the Crown Colony of New Zealand
1842 Bay of Islands Examiner, first newspaper in New Zealand
1843 Captain Robert Fitzroy, Governor of the Crown Colony of New Zealand  
1844 War in the north - Heke and Kawiti against the British and Māori allies
1845 Captain George Grey, Governor of the Crown Colony ofr New Zealand
1846 War in the north ceases - Heke and Kawiti are not punished on the request of Patuone and Nene; First Constituition Act; arrival of the first steamship in New Zealand, HMS Driver
1848 Sir George Grey, Governor-in-Chief of the Crown Colony of New Zealand
1849 Death of Riria Takarangi, Patuone’s third wife; death of Te Rauparaha
1850 Death of Heke; death of Pomare II
1852 Patuone moves to his base to his estate at Waiwharariki, in Takapuna (Awataha, Shoal Bay)
1853 Sir George Grey, Governor of New Zealand as self-governing Colony; first general election
1854 Death of Kawiti; first session of New Zealand's General Assembly aqt Auckland
1855 Colonel Thomas Gore-Browne, Governor of New Zealand; Generla Election 
1856 Henry Sewell, first Premier of New Zealand 7-20 May; William Fox, Premier 20 May - 2 June; Edward Stafford, Premier 2 June to 12 July 1861; death of Nopera Panakareao, close friend and ally of Patuone and Nene
1858 Potatau Te Wherowhero appointed first Māori King 
1860 Death of Potatau Te Wherowhero; Kohimarama Conference; war in Taranaki over land grievances
1861 Gold rush in Otago; Sir George Grey, Governor of New Zealand
1863 War in the Waikato over local grievances
1864 Gold rush on the West Coast; end of Waikato war 
1865 Native Land Copurt established; Wellington becomes capital
1867 Gold rush in the Thames area; four Māori seats in Parliament established
1868 Māori leaders' Titokowaru and Te Kooti resistance continues; Sir George Ferguson Bowen, Governor of New Zealand; Māori able to vote
1870 National railway construction begins; British Imperial Forces leave New Zealand
1871 Death of Nene, 4 August; burial at Kororareka (Russell)
1872 Death of Patuone, 19 September; burial at Takarunga (Mt Victoria) Devonport, Church of the Holy Trinity; cessation of Māori armed hostilities
1873 Rt Hon. Sir James Ferguson, Governor of New Zealand
1875 Marquis of Normanby, Governor of New Zealand
1876 New zealand and Australia linked by telegraph cable
1877 Education Act - free, secular and compulsory education
1878 Death of Hori Hare Patuone
1879 Kohimarama Meeting; vote for all males 21 and over; Sir Hercules George Robert Robinson, Governor of New Zealand
1880 Kohimarama Meeting; Sir Arthur Hamilton Gordon, Governor of New Zealand
1881 Kohimarama Meeting
1882 First frozen meat shipment to Britain
1883 Regular and direct steamer links estalished between New Zealand and Britain; Lt General Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois. Governor of New Zealand
1886 Death of ? Patuone (unknown child of Patuone)
1889 Kohimarama Meeting; Earl of Onslow, Governor of New Zealand
1892 Earl of Glasgow, Governor of New Zealand
1893 Women granted the vote
1896 Death of Timoti Patuone, whangai of Patuone
1897 Earl of Ranfurly, Governor of New Zealand
1898 State Pensions introduced, Old Age Pensions Act
1899 New Zealand contingent sent to the Boer War in South Africa
1901 Death of Hohaia, Patuone’s last surviving son.
1904 Lord Plunkett, Governor of New Zealand
1907 Dominion of New Zealand
1908 New Zealand population reaches 1,000,000

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